
Give Teething Babies Their Daily Chew!



Since 1925, Bickiepegs Healthcare, with their Natural Teething Biscuits, have been providing babies with the recommended chewing action to help their jaws and teeth develop properly. These famous teething biscuits provide both a hard surface on which to cut teeth and vital exercise for the development of a baby’s jaw, jaw muscles and gums. Bickiepegs believes that parents shouldn’t underestimate the importance of giving their babies hard food textures to chew on. This principle was something that Bickiepegs’ founder, Dr Harry Campbell, a leading paediatrician wrote about in The Lancet as long ago as 1903. And this is particularly significant today since many modern weaning options include softer textures.

Charlotte Stirling-Reed, a leading nutritionist in the UK on infant & baby nutrition advises “Whilst babies will start weaning on soft foods, it is a good idea to introduce a balance of textures by introducing some finger foods after a few weeks to encourage chewing. I have found this helpful when teething sets in, and the natural instinct to bite down on hard surfaces starts – as babies seek to soothe their sore gums.”

This principle is also supported by many oral care professionals. Melonie Prebble, a leading dental therapist comments “A lot of foods we wean babies on today are soft and don’t require much chewing. And whilst some of this is fine, it is important that babies also learn to chew on harder textures and use teething aids like Bickiepegs Natural Teething Biscuits too, in order to exercise their jaws, help teeth spacing and provide welcome respite from the painful symptoms of teething.”

In the US some new thinking by pioneering orthodontist, Dr Sandra Kahn supports the need for offering babies hard surfaces to chew on in a revolutionary new book ‘JAWS, The Story of a Hidden Epidemic’[1]. Dr Kahn says “Offering infants a hard food, such as a Bickiepegs Natural Teething Biscuit, that can reach both the front and back of the mouth, is beneficial to the emergence of well-spaced teeth and jaw development.”

Bickiepegs Natural Teething Biscuits satisfy emerging teeth and help ease the pain associated with teething. The ‘finger-shaped’ biscuits are able to reach the back as well as the front teeth and gums providing good jaw exercise. This is in comparison with many traditional teethers which are circular in shape, and therefore cannot reach beyond the baby’s front teeth.

Bickiepegs Natural Teething Biscuits contain no artificial colouring, preservatives or flavouring and no added sugar or salt. NB Please read the enclosed leaflet for full information and directions for use.

AVAILABILITY: in all Boots Pharmacies and most ASDA and Sainsbury’s Supermarkets in their baby snacks sections. They are also available from larger Superdrug stores and all good local pharmacies as well as online at , Ocado and Amazon and on-line at  From £1.75

[1] JAWS The Story of a Hidden Epidemic

is published by Stanford University Press
